Be aware of your travel carbon footprint

Get automatically estimated CO2 emissions calculated as you travel, all based on your calendar

Quickly understand the carbon footprint of an upcoming journey

You'll get automatic carbon footprint calculations that include various transport modes. You can use this information, as well as travel time, to make better travel decisions that save time and the planet.

Create travel carbon footprint reports in a few easy steps

You can generate downloadable reports about your travel activity and associated carbon footprint. These can be used for reporting to your company and for your carbon offset initiatives.

Easily achieve carbon-neutral or carbon-negative travel

Understand your carbon footprint with reports so you can mitigate your impact with other carbon offset products.

How it works

Add new event to your calendar

The location of your appointment will be used to estimate your travel

See travel options and their CO2 impact

The recommended travel option is automatically chosen. You can change this if needed

Get reports on your total travel

Get reports on your total travel
You can download reports that show your travel and the estimated carbon for each journey

What is your travel carbon footprint?

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Your estimated carbon footprint
is 81.44 kg per month

Is for good result
Is for medium result
Is for bad result

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