How Emma can help you plan your travel for the day

Emma doesn’t just help you go from A (office/home) to B (customer) and back to A again. Emma can help you plan your day of travel to multiple places.

Apple calendars allow travel to be calculated between one work or home location (what we call ‘bases’) and the event destination. Emma is flexible and can calculate accurate travel times between multiple locations and bases.

Let’s show you how.

First, sign-up for a free trial of Emma, which will connect Emma to your calendar.

Second, go into your calendar and add your meetings with locations.

Then, you’ll see in your calendar that your travel has been added automatically between events.

The 22-minute journey is from the main base (home) to the first meeting.

Let’s show you the accurate travel plans in-between meetings. This is the first event to the second event:

This is the second event to the third event:

That’s all the travel plans put into the calendar automatically between different locations. Plus it will take you back to the main base at the end of the day. You can change your bases in your settings.


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